You're already a part of the family

Visiting a church for the first time can be intimidating and uncomfortable. 

We all want to belong, and we want you to know that YOU belong here. 

We believe you can find you're place here. 

what to expect when you visit?

What should I wear? Where do my kids go? What times are the services? It's early, is there coffee. 

Visiting for the first time can be overwhelming. Our goal at Ovid is to make sure that

you and your family are comfortable and able to experience God from the time you

get out of your car until the moment you get back into it.


Where whatever makes you feel comfortable. There is no dress code at Ovid Community Church


Our children meet in the Children's wing of the church. When you enter the church you can either follow the signs directing you towards the children's wing or ask the greeters to help get  you there. 


We have a services on Sunday morning at 10:30 AM in-person and online (available on Facebook and the home page on this website) and Connections classes that meet at 9:00 AM. Connection Classes are ideal for those who long to go deeper in their understanding of their relationship with Christ. 

what we believe

The essential doctrines of Ovid Community Church focus on the majors, not the minors. We make distinctions between personal opinions, biblical convictions, and Salvation doctrines. This allows a variety of people, from diverse backgrounds to worship together. 



We believe the entire Bible, Old and New Testament, is the inspired word of God and that ordinary men were moved by the Spirit to write the very words of scripture (II Peter 1:21; II Timothy 3:16).  Therefore we believe the Bible is without error and is our authoritative guidebook for life transformation (II Timothy 2:15).


We believe in one God who exists in three distinct persons of the Trinity: the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Each one possesses equally all the attributes of deity and characteristics of personality. God is the creator and originator of all things. He is eternal, without beginning or end.


We believe Jesus is the Son of God, second member of the Trinity. He was and is fully God and became fully man in a miraculous virgin birth to reveal God to us. He lived and taught among us. He died for our sins, and He rose again from the dead. Christ will also come again to earth in the end times to lead in the resurrection of all who have placed their faith in Him for salvation and to fulfill His promise that we will be with Him forever (John 14).


We believe that when Jesus went to heaven He left us a counselor and helper for our Christian life. The Holy Spirit, third member of the Trinity, brings our sinful nature to our minds and leads us toward life transformation. He guides, encourages, convicts, instructs and empowers us to live lives pleasing to God. It is clearly up to the individual to respond to that leading.


We believe that mankind was created in the image of God, to have fellowship with Him, but that the relationship was broken and severed by sinful disobedience. To understand the sinful nature of man, we must realize that people are not good people who sometimes do bad things, but rather sinful people who sometimes do good things. That sin leaves a gap between God and man. Jesus, in His perfect sacrifice for sin, is the only way to bridge that gap.  No personal effort or accumulation of good deeds will ever restore a also in the relationship with God. As complete as the destructive power of sin was in the nature of man, so also is the complete and powerful regeneration of our eternal nature. We are deeply loved, completely forgiven, completely righteous, and fully pleasing to God. To accept Christ guarantees heaven, to reject this means eternal separation from God in a real and eternal hell.


We believe the Church is the legacy of Christ. The Church is referenced in scripture as a body because each person participates and plays an individual and distinct role (I Cor.12: 12cf). The Church encourages believers to follow wholeheartedly the teachings of scripture to use the gifts God has given them to encourage each other and to reach out to other people who do not yet know Christ as their savior. The Church exists to transform individual lives by connecting them to God and one another. This is the Great Commandment and the Great Commission. We practice the ordinances of the Church in water baptism, communion, marriage and infant/child dedication.


  • John David Delgado - Senior Pastor

  • Ricky Bowersock - Worship & Technology Pastor

  • Shannon Dare - GROUPS & Care Pastor

  • Amanda Mull - family ministries Director

  • Kim House - Office Manager